merry christmas Jan---by weird coincidence facebook posted your page to mine as a friend suggestion. i saw several of your friends i know.
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Merry Christmas
by jhine ini don't think that it is too early to wish everyone a merry christmas and invite you all to join with me in sending festive greetings to everyone .
jan .
Watchtower Study July 2020 ''Be Convinced That You Have the Truth''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | july 2020.
6. the first-century disciples built their faith on their knowledge of the scriptures and the teachings of jesus christ, that is, “the truth of the good news.” (gal.
2:5) this truth consists of the whole body of christian teachings, including the facts about jesus’ ransom sacrifice and his resurrection.
stan livedeath
is this the current truth--the latest truth--or the new truth ?
or even the overlapping truth?
Nurses are unwilling to take the COVID-19 Vaccine
by adjusted knowledge ini work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
stan livedeath
here in the UK the vaccine is being rolled out amongst the elderly care home residents first. Are they being used as guinea pigs ?
Understanding a family member that’s A witness
by understandingjehovah ini need some advise or understanding.. my brother became jehovah witness because of his wife.
our dad is dying and over the last two months he’s done some very weird stuff.. my family knows he’s not a real witness because he sells corn liquor and pills, drinks daily, let us have our moms birthday at their house.
he’s also committed adultery, it’s rumored that he molested our cousin when he was younger, done fraud to my dying dad, lied about being our dads poa for greed only to find out he’s not, lied to the family about his estranged daughters, called his oldest daughter a b*tch because she doesn’t want anything to do with him, lied on our dads life to her to get her to talk to him, he has the name nympho tattooed on his neck, has slandered his immediate family and abandoned two of his daughters for over 20 years to start a family with his new wife.
stan livedeath
Sigfrid Mallozzia month ago
Sounds like the typical witness family.
ha ha--i only just saw that reply..brilliant.
Could you end up in a cult?
by mann377 insaw this article today and pleased to see the information presented.
it does not mention the borg which is good in that it would not turn off any dubs that might come across it.
the info is not new to us on the forum but any loyal dubs that read it might identify with the action of a cult and start to think (i would hope).
stan livedeath
it was the Daily Mail ( UK ) that had a center page spread telling the story of Rachel Underhill--and her internet site ex jw reunited --back in about 2010 that first introduced me to this whole new world of ex jw apostates..then i found this site. Lifes gone downhill ever since.
Loyalty to God ( or the Society ) Before The Familiar
by BluesBrother inthis week's midweek meeting has an item on this theme.
as usual there is a video to show:-.
stan livedeath
exactly whats happened to my family.
my older son--now 44--was d/f about 11 years ago. his marriage had fallen apart ( not his fault !)--and he met someone else--so decided to end his involvement with the cult. He was d/f.
his mother --a 3rd gen born in--has shunned him ever since.
when i found out about it i made contact with him--through a facebook search. we hadnt had any contact for 24 years prior to that.
now--11 years later--he has just had another child--has a lovely wife--a beautiful home in a delightful location--a great business from home, and many friends.
he just doesnt have a mother any more.
Dumb Elders
by minimus ini knew a few pretty intelligent elders .
sometimes i would wonder why they remained as elders or even witnesses because they were successful men who made a good living and were highly respected because of their qualities.. that is a rather small group.
most elders that i know of aren’t the brightest bulbs in the sky.
stan livedeath
i think its a lot more basic. |Most elders are married--whether they are intelligent, successful and wealthy--or not. They all have that one thing in common--being married.
And wives know they are sitting on a gold mine.
ExElder Friend Had To Go To His Former Kingdom Hall and this what he told me!
by minimus inhe was the secretary before he resigned years ago.
he has a business that kept him involved with the kingdom hall.
the hall was sold to another church.
stan livedeath father kept a large box full of cong records when the hall got sold and the cong merged with another. I found the box when i cleared his house out.
Australian JW murdered outside New Guinea Bethel years ago?
by wozza indoes anyone remember this ,i just recalled this morning , i knew the family and my daughter was friends with his brother.. i have left years ago and wondered if his murder was resolved and the story behind it as he worked at the bethel there..
stan livedeath
you can sure see the spirit working with that lot.
Chelmsford and Mill Hill
by stan livedeath inwhats the latest news on this ?
been quiet lately..
stan livedeath
Whats the latest news on this ?
Been quiet lately.